Zachęcamy do wzięcia udziału w XV EDYCJI KONKURSU O MIECZ CHROBREGO

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Już drugi rok z rzędu grupa uczniów Dwunastki uczestniczyła w wyjeździe, którego celem były kraje Skandynawii. Tym razem, w ramach współpracy z Europejskim Centrum Młodzieży z Łodzi uczestniczyliśmy w projekcie edukacyjno-językowym realizowanym w Danii-Szwecji i Norwegii. Trasa wyjazdu obejmowała przeprawę promową z Niemiec do Danii, zwiedzanie Kopenhagi, pobyt w Goteborgu, no i najważniejsze - kilkudniowy pobyt w przeuroczej Norwegii. Tam udało nam się na krótko „wpaść” do stolicy – Oslo, zobaczyć skocznię w Lillehammer, odwiedzić szkołę w miejscowość Dokka, a także zasmakować życia prawie traperskiego w idyllicznej osadzie w Gomobu. Otaczały nas tylko rozległe pustkowia, połoniny i jeziora. Skandynawia przywitała nas słoneczną choć wietrzną pogodą, a pożegnała iście świątecznym klimatem, nostalgicznie przywołującym Dreaming of a White Christmas.
No to do za rok!
Marta Cyran – koordynator wyjazdu

Relacja uczennicy:

The trip started in Rostock, Germany. By ferry we quickly crossed the Baltic Sea and landed in our first sightseeing point - Copenhagen. We were exploring the historic part of the city with Medieval buildings and monuments such as The Little Mermaid. We walked across the port and along the street right next to the canal. There were a lots of colorful houses and small restaurants to indulge yourself.
The next stop was Goteborg with the overnight in the hostel and a morning walk through the oldest part of the city. Some brave of us decided to take a guided boat tour along the city cannalls, allowing them to get more insight of its history.
Our final destination was a settlement in Norway – Gomobu, situated a three hours’ drive from Oslo the capital city of Norway. We all lived in a comfortable cabin, sharing the kitchen and steam sauna with one another.
We visited the nearest open-air museum and we learned a bit about the Norwegian culture. The old houses from the exhibition were right next to the azure lake, which added charm and colour to our trip.
In Lillehammer a part of us went to the top of ski jump! Later at the main square of the village we had to do the English exercises about that place. These were just a few questions but we had a little problem with them. Thanks God everyone Norwegians were kind and helpful so we quickly managed to do finish the activity.
The most important thing we had to do in Norway was visiting the school. We had a chance to see how education looks like there. The reality was eye-popping for us. All the students had their own laptops. They used them during the lessons. What’s important we learned they participated in different types of courses for example a nursery course, IP course or a carpentry course. What a difference to what we do here in our school!
If I have an option to go there again, I will definitely jump at a chance.

Gabriela Kolonko, kl. 2G

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