Z wizytą w Europarlamencie

W połowie października grupa trojga uczniów naszej szkoły – laureatów olimpiad i konkursów ogólnopolskich, uczestniczyła w kilkudniowym wyjeździe do Belgii, który jako nagroda zorganizowany został przez Biuro Poselskie Ministra Bogdana Zdrojewskiego.

Wyjazd obejmował krótką wizytę w Brugii, dwudniowy pobyt w Brukseli i wyjazd do Waterloo. Punktem kulminacyjnym było spotkanie z europosłem w siedzibie Parlamentu.

Poniżej szczegółowa relacja jednego z uczestników.

Marta Cyran – opiekun

A trip to Brussels

A week ago we had an unforgettable opportunity to take part in a trip to Brussels, organized by MEP Office of Bogdan Zdrojewski, an MP of the European Parliament – member of the European People’s Party (EPP).

            Despite a delay, due to heavy traffic on German motorways, we managed to see all the places in the itinerary. First stop, Bruge! A magnificent, medieval town often called Venice of the North with its network of canals allowed for some recreation. And the weather was excellent!

            On the following day, we could admire Brussels’ old town, see most of the city’s monuments and indulge in the sweetness of Belgian pralines and heaviness of Belgian fries. However, the vocal point was a visit to the European Parliament where we met Bogdan Zdrojewski. We participated in a panel session on refugee crisis and current, European problems ranging from Brexit, Spanish crisis and multi-speed development of Europe.

            The last day didn’t disappoint us either. We managed to visit the Waterloo Museum and even participated in a 3D battle between Napoleon and Wellington, witnessing the final defeat of the French emperor.

            I’m glad I could be a part of the trip both because of unforgettable experience but mainly because I could see from the inside the work of the institution I may one day be a part of.


Konrad Zając – 3D

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